At the Sindecuse Museum of Dentistry we are happy to connect our visitors with other institutions. Listed here are some national and international museums and other repositories for dental historical research.
U.S. Dental Museums and Collections
National Dental Museum
National Museum of Dentistry, Baltimore, MD
University-Associated Museums and Collections
A.D. Black History of Dentistry Collection and G.V. Black Collection, Special Collections, Galter Health Sciences Library, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Alabama Museum of the Health Sciences, The Historical Collections Unit within Lister Hill Library at the University of Alabama at Birmingham
Artifacts from the Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Harvard University
A.W. Ward Museum of Dentistry Collection, University of the Pacific School of Dentistry
Bibby Library Archives, Dentistry Exhibits, Eastman Institute for Oral Health, University of Rochester
Dental Articulators Archives, University of Texas School of Dentistry reference website for articulators
Dental Historic Collection, University of Michigan Library. This collection of important and unusual dental publications is comprised of both books and journals
Dittrick Medical History Center Museum, particularly the Dental Care Campaigns 1909-1919 photographs in the Image Collection, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio
Ernest Starr Memorial Museum of Dental Anomalies, Oregon Health and Science University
Henry J. McKellops Collection in Dental Medicine, Bernard Becker Medical Library, Washington University School of Medicine
The Lost Museum of Harvard's Dental School, Center for the History of Medicine, Harvard University
Historical Dental Museum Collection, Kornberg School of Dentistry, Temple University
Macaulay Museum of Dental History, The Medical University of South Carolina
Medical Museum, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
Out of the Past Dental History, University of Texas, San Antonio Dental School
Pierre Fauchard Academy Dental Museum, Community College of Southern Nevada
University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Dentistry Museum, Omaha, NE
Other Dental Museums
Dr. John Harris Dental Museum, Bainbridge, Ohio
International Dental Collections
Aichi Dental Association Museum, Nagoya, Japan
British Dental Association Museum, London, England
Henry Forman Atkinson Dental Museum, University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
History of the Royal Army Dental Corps, Army Medical Services Museum, Mytchett, Surrey, England
The Hunterian Museum, The Royal College of Surgeons of England, London
The Lyon Dental Museum, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon 1, Lyon, France
The Medical Artifact Collection at the University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada
Museum of Health Care, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Additional Research Links
American Academy of the History of Dentistry: Dentistry Collections Database "This browsable, searchable database site is the result of our ongoing survey of museums, libraries, archives and private collections regarding artifacts and materials relevant to the history of dentistry."
American Academy of the History of Dentistry: Journal of the History of Dentistry (Digital issues available for view with subscription)
American Dental Association Resources on the dental profession and history of the field, from the ADA Library and Archives.
American Society of Appraisers Search engine for finding values of objects for potential museum donation. (Please note the Sindecuse Museum cannot appraise potential donations by law as it is a conflict of interest)
Dental Cosmos, a Monthly Record of Dental Science (1859-1936). Digital version of the original classic professional journal. All pages scanned, including advertisements.
Google Patent Search. Research the function or inventor of dental tools and devices by searching this database of scanned US Patent records including drawings and descriptions.
International Toothbrush Collection. Research the history, terminology, and even search a toothbrush database on this in-depth website.
Journal of the History of Dentistry (Digital issues available for view with subscription)
The Medical Heritage Library is a digital curation collaborative among some of the world’s leading medical libraries, and promotes free and open access to quality historical resources in medicine.
The National Library of Medicine has holdings that provide information on the history of clinical dentistry, particularly in the Films and Videos collection.
University of Michigan School of Dentistry Sindecuse MuseumYouTube Channel has a Sindecuse Museum playlist including the "Chronicles of Outstanding Leaders in Dentistry" with 73 videos of noted dental figures, digitized by the Sindecuse Museum of Dentistry, historical videos, and exhibit featurettes.
Virtual Dental Museum Virtual exhibits on a variety of dental history topics.
Want to join a Flickr group related to history of dentistry? Check out this group: History & Art of Dentistry and then check Flickr pro, Rosefirerising’s dentistry collections of images
Directory of History of Medicine Collections, National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Washington, DC
Indiana University School of Dentistry Library, Indianapolis, Indiana
University Museums Collections Worldwide Database Directory, quick search: “dentistry museum”
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